Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ubiquity of The Network

Was reading about an iPod touch 2010 review article, where the writer was complaining about the lack of 3G option, and this idea struck me: What could be the next big evolution in mobile computing?  Think about having cellular service available on every electronic device that you own. It's going to be as ubiquitous as a network Ethernet port or better yet a WiFi adapter by which most devices nowadays have them already built in.

Looking at the future where having a cellphone will be as unimportant as wearing a watch, since you would be able to make voice calls and communicate on any devices that you own (think beyond computers, tablets, TVs, cars, etc.)  This is what Apple and Google are currently running after with FaceTime and Google Voice.  Look at the possibilities of having a low cost wireless service and register every device you own for connectivity.  This is everything the current mobile technology is geared towards.  Exciting times indeed!  Share your thoughts.

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