Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hello World 3.0

First was Zen Garden, then came TouchMe Notes. This is now my third attempt at blogging and it is a mashup of both sites. Zen is more what I do now with Twitter and TouchMe is more of my journal when I switched over to the iOS platform.  When you combine both and filter out only my thoughts in more than 140 characters, the result is Point + Tap.  Hope you will find this useful.

Fast forwarding to September 2010, I ended up getting a BlackBerry Curve and an iPad.  My iPod touch became a dedicated Bejewelled machine that my wife has sole custody of.  Last year, I got myself a Kindle for reading (promised myself not to contribute more carbon footprint by avoiding to purchase any form of dead tree literature).

As a last note, TouchMe Notes now ceased to exist and has been burned and buried to the depths of the interwebs (although it was not as bad as the last album of Aldous Snow).

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