Where to begin? January 27, 2010 - Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced iPad - a magical and revolutionary product at an unbelievable price. After the announcement, I thought do I really need one? An iPad? What a name! Since the device was unappealing to me at first, I concentrated on getting myself an iPhone instead. At that time, I was still using my iPod touch (named Potts -- short for Pepper Potts). Why an iPhone? I wanted a decent camera phone that could post photos online (while doing some socials on the side). The thing that kept me from owning one was the dreaded data plan.
This for me was the biggest turn off. The iPhone's data plan was not practical enough to keep (the device itself is a bandwidth hog to begin with, while the data plan has a non-generous cap). While I'm being pulled away from the iPhone, more innovative and appealing apps were constantly being introduced in the iPad world. While the iPad was not love at first sight, I am now having visions of use cases for it day after day. After months of constant struggle with financial planning, it finally made sense to get a Blackberry phone (with an unlimited social plan) and an iPad instead of the iPhone.
Unopened. iPad 16GB Wi-Fi in a fully sealed box. |
Goes well with coffee. |
This week, one of my favorite productivity tools for the iPod touch called 2Do have been made available to the iPad. The list of uses for this device will continue to grow as I add more apps into it. With this, I'll be doing some reviews and thoughts to go along with the journal.
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